Diabetes Education And Foot Care

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Diabetes Education & Foot Care

The high blood sugar levels in those with Diabetes can often lead to damage of the small blood vessels and nerves in the feet. This can result in a decrease in circulation in the feet and some loss or change in the feeling in your feet. This is known as peripheral neuropathy, which causes your feet to become less sensitive to pressure, friction, pain and temperature.

The autonomic nerves (the nerves that control sweating and blood vessel diameter change) can also be affected causing the feet to become warm, red or the skin to become dry

Small injuries such as cuts or splinters may often go unnoticed when your feet are less sensitive. This can be complicated by slow healing when the circulation is decreased and can result in ulcers or infection.

Looking after your feet and wearing good, enclosed shoes to protect your feet is very important when you suffer from Diabetes. Checking your feet for early detection of problems such as hard skin or dryness should become part of your daily routine.

Doctors will often refer patients to us at Rivervale Podiatry so the Podiatrist can assess the nerves and blood vessels and also to assist in routine foot care, which includes nail cutting and reduction of corns and calluses.

Most importantly, you should keep your blood sugar levels controlled and speak to the Podiatrists at Rivervale Podiatry to learn how we can work with you for the best results and safety of your feet if you have Diabetes.

For further information see the Diabetes Treatment article under the Foot Problems on our menu, or call us to find out how people with diabetes need to look after their feet.

sore feet or diabetic and feet

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