Corns and Calluses

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Corn and calluses Treatment

Corns and calluses are areas of dead, hard and toughened skin which can cause a great deal of discomfort and pain. This pain is a result of increased pressure on the underlying healthy skin, deeper tissues (dermis) and nerves.

Corns and calluses occur on bony areas that are subjected to high pressure and friction. Common causes are high levels of weight bearing activity (e.g. nurses, waiters and hairdressers), inappropriate footwear e.g. shoes with poor cushioning, narrow toe box, slip on shoes, toe or foot deformities and altered gait patterns. Corns and calluses develop as a result of the body trying to protect itself from these pressures.

Calluses are commonly found on the bottom of the foot, around the heels and on the tops of the toes. The Podiatrists at Rivervale Podiatry can treat and help prevent calluses by sharp debridement (removal by scalpel), pressure offloading, e.g. padding, correcting the foot position, e.g. orthotics, and well-fitting footwear. corns and calluses or corns or calluses

Corns are a centralised area of calluses that has been ‘forced’ into healthy skin by pressure. If left untreated, the healthy skin under the corn can become an ulcer and is at risk of infection. Different types of corns include hard corns, e.g. on tops of toes or bottom of the foot, soft corns, e.g. in between toes, and seed corns, e.g. bottom of the foot. Treatment and prevention of corns includes enucleation (removal by scalpel), the wearing of toe covers or separators to protect bony prominences, the wearing of good fitting footwear and also the prescription of offloading insoles, e.g. orthotics. The Podiatrists at Rivervale Podiatry are experienced in the management of painful corns.

Corns are often mistaken for warts, and vice versa and it is important that a correct diagnosis be made as treatment differs greatly between the two. Corns do not have a “root” that can be removed to prevent it from returning. To prevent corns and calluses from returning you have to remove the high pressure and friction from the area.

There are chemical treatments commercially available to treat both corns and calluses however care need to be taken to ensure that a chemical burn does not occur. People with Diabetes or circulation issues should consult their Podiatrist before using these treatments.

The podiatrists at Rivervale Podiatry can diagnose corns and Calluses and provide you with advice on the appropriate treatment. If you’re living or working in Rivervale, Belmont, Lathlain or Carlisle come see us today!

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